Sunday 26 December 2010

Now you have your site up and running, you have chosen your keywords and you want to start seeing results, my first suggestion...

Getting Backward Links and Traffic

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Day one

OK, day one, my web address is

I use google webmaster tools to check how my keywords are going, my average position for "web design essex" is 100... so thats around page 10.

My site gets crawled around once a month.

Im going to try to make daily updates to my site, as i think that if google crawl my site and see i have just updated, they will crawl sooner to see if i have made any more.... will let you know how that goes.

If i can get google to crawl my site more often, it will mean any other updates i make will show quicker and the results to my positions on searches will show sooner to.... this may also help boost my positions too.


Ok, not sure how this is going to go... probably will end up talking to myself, but here goes anyway.

I am Darren, and write websites and software for a living, my goal is to try to get some top results and visitors to my website by using search engine optimization, not having too much luck at the moment, but I think its because I'm fighting against other webcompanys who also know some SEO techniques.

So far, I have managed to get "software company essex" on page one of Google, but I am mainly trying to work on harder keywords, like "web design"... or even just "web design essex".

My techniques up to date don't seem too bad, I have cleaned my whole site using only DIV tags and stylesheets to keep all the style text off my main page, as I know the less rubbish you have on your page and the more content, the better the results.

I have also worked on adding my keywords where I can without spamming or making my text look stupid (repeating keywords over and over again DOESN'T help, you could get your positions dropped if you do that).

Now, I'm trying to get back links, and also have connected my site to my facebook page and twitter account.

What I am to do with this blog is to share my experience and findings and hope to discover which techniques actually have the best impact.

My first task will be relevant backward links and maybe daily updates to my site.